Our drumming workshops are about hands on participative experience and are available for all ages, settings and abilities.
We are able to tailor the experience to your specific needs and requirements and we love to share the rhythms!
Drumming for Schools: We have a full classroom set of Djembes and many other percussion instruments from Africa.
A standard workshop will include an introduction and warm ups, call and response, songs, learning polyrhythms and bringing
everyone into the drum circle. We are always happy to include an assembly and end of the day sharing/performance.
Drumming for events and corporate days: The drum circle facilitates us to work as a team, focus on listening and communication,
and have fun together. We can cater for small and large groups and enjoy bringing a new energy to assist our creativity.
Drumming for Festivals: This doesn’t need much explanation; we bring the drums, you provide the space – everybody loves it!
Drumming for our mental health and well-being: At the core of our workshops is the understanding
that rhythm connects us to ourselves and to each other. In this fast-paced and sometimes complicated world,
the drums are a simple way of letting go of stress and anxiety, helping us to focus on being grounded and present,
whilst at the same time tapping into our capacity for joyful expression.
Drum and Dance: This is an opportunity to experience the natural connection between rhythm and movement.
With two or three facilitators we combine all the elements to make this a fully enriching and dynamic workshop.
One to one sessions and djembe repair available
Recent clients and partners include:
Holsworthy Primary School
Devon Recovery Learning Community
MBA Business School, Exeter University
Totnes Festival